Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Ultimate Form of Stubbornness

I am a stubborn person. Not an asshole, just stubborn. I don't act as devils advocate simply because I want to even act like a dick because no one else is. I don't take myself too seriously, and I am not impossibly high-strung that backing off of an argument is a worse choice than death. I simply would rather continue on my current direction on the road because I simply do not want to turn around. It's not some innate male pride thing or even a utter laziness - its simply stubbornness.

For the sake of setting the guidelines, these forms of stubbornness or completely pointless yet harmful in the grand scheme of life. If you disagree, I honestly will not give a shit.

Perhaps I am in a perpetual mode of kidding myself and in fact this stubbornness is actually a collection of all of these things that I am simply too stubborn to either notice, realize or admit. However, if continuing along this thought process, I want to focus not on whether stubborn is necessarily a good or bad thing, rather, the greater consequences involved with it.

Sure I am stubborn when it comes to choosing restaurants, who's driving, what drink we've decided to order, and of course what channel to watch. However the ultimate form of stubbornness is what is most important, and significant, in my life. At what point are these other lesser forms completely overshadowed by the realization that the entire way you've been living your life is wrong and yet you are too stubborn to change it.

I'll explain further. I am not admitting or denying that I feel this way, in actuality I have not decided how I actually feel about this yet. But what if at one point during my life, whether it is now or in the future, I come to a realization that the current path I am on is the wrong one? Will I be able to change my course or, gulp, turn around completely?

This Stubborn (with a capital S) can and will have a much greater affect on your life more than being unable to cope with seeing a movie that you necessarily didn't want to see, or deciding who will drive this time to Vegas. In the grand scheme of things, these are hugely unimportant decisions.

If I am so comfortable and for lack of a better word, good, at being stubborn, is that simply going to better equip me to undertake a form of stubborn that would actually matter? Sure these smaller acts will not cause me to drown in a form of guilt I can only imagine, nor force me to answer grand life questions. I liken it to the idea of addictive personalities being better suited to become drug addicts simply because when they were younger they had to take two pixie sticks instead of one.

I call bullshit.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A little poem I wrote for my mothers birthday

A Poem For Maja

After a while I guess people start to expect

A poem that many a king have tried to perfect

But as one of the lucky few, my mother

You can bet the house that here comes another

Each year brings us a set of circumstances and events

What’s more exciting that moving back home with the parents?

It is a daunting task, done with school and back at home

I love you a lot, but let’s hope this doesn’t last as long as Rome

Every year we tend to focus too much on the next

Which I’ve always found to be a bit complex

We are here today and let us enjoy the now

So if you get the urge, stand up and take a bow

I have always been thankful for all that you do

But it seems this year I had to a compete with a few

I am hardly complaining, just very proud

I am sure all at the shelter have truly been wowed

Another summer, another year, and another celebration

And from what we can tell, without the dreaded waist inflation

So let us continue on this wild ride

Next year probably both of our heads will be dyed!

Eat up, Drink up, Live it up – it’s your day

Only to those that I love dearly, do I offer this word-bouquet!


Your Son